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This phase bulids on the base movements that were introduced in the previous part of the Body Mapping™ session (Phase A). The aim of this phase is to get you to learn and master the base-movements that your body employs in your everyday life so that you can do these movements safely with deeper awareness and understanding. This makes you sustainably conneted to your movements, whether it be sitting in a chair or lifting a box up from the floor. You will also, more importantly, learn how to feel these movements and contact muscles in their right relationship and element with each other as they do these movements. This phase varies in length, based on whom each individual is and how much time is realistically needed for each person to properly complete this phase. It is VERY important that the proper amount of time is taken because this is the key determinant as to how sustainable this will be in the the future by ensuring that the next phase has a stable ground. 

PHASE B: Body Cognizance™Beginner

Body Marriage™ 

Practising and internalising base movements 

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